Stand firm, then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist.
A specific event initiated my truth-seeking journey. Confusion and stress created such constriction of my neck muscles that therapy, heating pads, and muscle relaxers provided no relief. An MRI offered no explanation. When my irritated narcissist spouse asked how long I planned on wearing my heated neck wrap, I could not ignore the sarcastic sting of his words.
His complaint kindled my determination to know more about the source of this mysterious pain. I needed insight, I needed truth, I needed discernment, and I needed relief from the pain. I do not recall my exact prayer, but I do remember crying out for help: “Jesus, what is causing this stiffness? Help me figure this out.”
I also do not remember when the constrictions left. I suspect the relief progressed in proportion to my growing awareness of the impact of narcissistic abuse. In response to my cry for truth, resources appeared through radio, technology, books, and through conversations. Jesus Christ and the Spirit of Truth* worked together to provide the insight and information I prayed for.
Now each time I peer over my shoulder to merge with traffic, I remember God’s grace for launching me on this journey of healing. My heart also fills with thankfulness for the victory that comes from facing life’s issues with God’s truth and God’s strength.
Father, thank You for answering the cry of my heart and for walking with me. You are the author of all life and the source of all Truth. Prompt me to reach out to you quickly with my questions and concerns rather than muting my heart and suffering in silence. I so love You. In Jesus name I pray, amen.