In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
I recently reviewed a list of 137 emotional pain words*. Shockingly, I personally identified with 101 of the 137 painful emotions as a direct result of my long-term narcissistic relationship. The revelation confirmed my need for intentional and focused healing.
Jesus understands painful emotions. He not only experienced them but also prepared His disciples for suffering when he said, “In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart. I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
Long before Jesus’s birth, King David observed that God “…heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds” (Psalm 147:3). In the original language, broken means shattered, maimed, crippled, wrecked, crushed, and ruptured—appropriate additions to the list of 137!
I discovered that my stuffing or denying these feelings had not resolved them, and sharing them with the narcissist only created more troubling experiences.
I realized that a critical component of my renewal involves inviting Jesus into each wound. That discovery has also added an unexpected bonus of creating emotional intimacy with my Heavenly Father—a Father who gently heals and binds up wounded hearts.
Father, thank you for the gentle ways You walk with me in resolving the weightiness of unresolved emotional pain. Each day my heart feels a little more whole because of Your loving touch. Thank You for being Yahweh Rapha, The Lord Who Heals (Exodus 15:26). In the precious name of Jesus, Your Son, I pray, amen.